Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunshine Didn't Bring the Words


I have a few readers; my mom, Dad A, a few friends, and a lurker from Torrence, CA. But I also have one of those blogs that causes your finger to instinctively click the Next Blog button around 7.3 seconds after stumbling upon it. (Is it because I start sentences with conjunctions? I know it's wrong, but they just spill out of my fingertips!)

I should know...I do it to boring blogs all day. Especially the ones where dog owners write diaries in the voice of their canine. That's just weird.

In truth, I want to be brilliant. I want to be magnetic. I want you to subscribe to me because you can't rest without knowing my deep thoughts for the day.

But I can't be any of these things when I have nothing to say.

Hopefully one of Paul's kids says something funny this weekend so I can have a story to tell my mom. And Erica.

Sigh...I give up.


Erica said...

Woo hoo! I got a cameo in this one! I feel special :) I don't have any wise advice, I don't read strangers blogs. So I don't know what would draw people in, but, I will continue to read!

Heather said...

Thanks, yo :)

Mom said...

And I'll read everyday!

ShallowGal said...

I'll come back!

And I start a lot of sentences with conjunctions too. And a lot of times it's the same conjunction over and over.

The only thing worse than a dog blog? A baby blog. (Today I ate sweet potatoes and peas! Boy was my poop funky!)

Heather said...

Amy, your comment made MY day! I love it...
I've never stumbled on a baby blog, thank goodness...