Each afternoon, I unbuckle Tayla from her car seat, gather my things and head to my car to go home. Before I can get too far, Tayla cries after me, "Hug and kiss! Hug and kiss!" Of course I oblige...who can resist that three-year-old face tilted up for some end-of-day affection?
Yesterday, the warm and fuzzies followed me down the driveway as Tayla yelled after me, "I love you! I love you!"
"I love you, too, Tayla!"
The fuzzies didn't seem to last very long. This morning on the way to daycare, Tayla asked her mom, "Do we have Heather every morning?"
Photos by Tiffany |
"I think we're going to keep Heather for a very long time, Tayla. She's a nice girl."
I had to butt in. "Are you tired of me, Tayla?"
I love you, too, Tayla...
Of all the times for her to tell the truth.... ;)
now thats funny I dont care who you are. Dad A
Seems someone was a little grumpy this morning! Ah, from the mouths of babes.
Leave it to a three year old to really let you know what's on their mind. Get used to it, toddlers are so hot and cold at any given moment it's like they all suffer from multiple personalities!
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